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RJE Nose cone bushing kit early & late Turn on always show all large photos     Ad id: 928090
RJE Nose cone bushing kit early & late   Price: $44 shipped USA
This kit is NOT the cheap split bushing or rolled style. These bushings are CNC made in the USA. Bus, bug and T-3 nose cone seal bushing kit for the early nose cones that did not come with a seal. And the late nose cones with a seal. This kit will not fit 091 nose cones as they have brgs to support the hockey stick. I just need to know what size on the O.D. of your bushing so I can get you the right bushing kit. Bushing sizes are .672 or .654. (NOTE: A final hone maybe needed to get the hockey stick to move smooth.) This kit is CNC made by Rocky Jennings Enterprises in the USA. $44 shipped USA. my paypal & email is [email protected]

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Rocky Jennings Enterprises
September 22, 2005
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Walla Walla, Washington, USA Map it
Thu Feb 25, 2010 3:14 pm
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Vendors - New Parts - General Parts
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