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Cross panel brackets left and right Turn on always show all large photos     Ad id: 1808590
Cross panel brackets left and right   Price: $90.00
Cross Panel Brackets Left (133805401) and Right (133805402), fits 1971-1979 Super Beetle, all models. SBS03 retail price $90.00 for the pair. The front firewall reinforcements can be used with the Klokkerholm firewall part number 95-13-24-0. The front firewall reinforcement is essential to properly do repairs when replacing the firewall panel. The reinforcements tie the complete front of the car together and give a structurally sound mounting area for the chassis. This is potentially the most important part of a Super Beetle body. Brackets are made in the U.S. and duplicate or exceed the original as it comprises 3 separate parts. https://www.superbeetlesolutions.com/shop/p/gapn7z01r1jl3yire4q0tj42ctz9ih

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Super Beetle Soultions
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Vendors - New Parts - General Parts

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