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Classifieds Index -> Vehicles -> Ghia
1959 Lowlight Ghia Convertible MAG Supercharger Turn on always show all large photos     Ad id: 2676887
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1959 Lowlight Ghia Convertible MAG Supercharger   Price: 120000
Purchased in LA from Lisa Meirer 10 years ago this car was shipped to Australia and has undergone a nut and bolt back to bare metal restoration to the highest standard by one of Australia's finest Steve Hopkins. Using only NOS parts where possible I was lucky to achieve what this car has become because if I tried to do it now it would simply be cost prohibitive. Thats what this car is such a great option.

I also have vintage "old speed" a bolt on MAG supercharger which makes considerable improvement to the engine. https://www.motorsportmagazine.com/archive/article/january-1959/34/a-supercharged-vw/
These are extremely rare and valuable in their own right.

These are one of the nicest looking cars on the road and turn heads always in an appreciative style. I still believe they are a great investment due to their limited numbers its possible as few as 80 still exist

Whilst sticking to originality as much as possible it does have a full leather interior that just looks amazing.

The price of $120,000 USD wouldn't pay for a restoration at this level these days.
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Michael Ryan
April 28, 2009
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Sydney, Australia
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Vehicles - Ghia

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