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The Elizabeth Shifter from Vintage Speed Turn on always show all large photos     Ad id: 815285
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The Elizabeth Shifter from Vintage Speed   Price: 781.39
Presenting the Elizabeth Shifter

A year ago we set a plan in motion to create the ultimate premium shifter for the VW. Building upon our decades of experience we combined our signature smooth shifting experience and modern functionality with our signature classic design, but we didn’t stop there we added 18k Gold detailing, Titanium bolts and a Okrasa inspired shifter knob to pay homage to the history of the VW.

Limited run of 500 Units.

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Real Brass Components with Coated with 18K Gold
14" Shifter with Trigger Mechanism
Stainless Steel 304
Titanium Bolts
Adjustable CNC Base
Brass Threaded Ivory Knob
SHIFTER for VW BUG, KG, Type 34, Type 3, VW Thing

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The Elizabeth Shifter from Vintage Speed
March 08, 2006
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