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Another '67 Adventure
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2017 6:25 pm    Post subject: Another '67 Adventure Reply with quote


First, a huge thanks to SDBob, Brian, Eddie, and the rest of the Samba. Applause I've been trying to purchase my uncle's '67 Bug since last year, but living in Maryland when the car is in San Diego makes working on it quite difficult.

Recently, my uncle's been in and out of the hospital, and has been unable to do any work on the car. He reported that the last time he drove it (5+ years ago) it died on the highway. He thinks coil/ignition issues. Regardless, the Bug wasn't running, the door hinges were more or less rusted shut, and at least one tire was flat. So getting a transporter to pick it up was going to be difficult, if not rather pricey.

So after sending out calls for help to some of the various San Diego-based Samba-ers I could find, I got several enthusiastic responses from the members mentioned above. All were willing to help me, a total stranger several thousand miles away, get this Bug ready to travel. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it... You lot are impressive! I hope I can repay the kindness someday.

After talking with the various Samba-ers and my aunt, who is anxious to see the Bug leave her driveway Anxious SDBob spent much of his Labor Day tinkering, hammering, and doing who-knows-what (SDBob, what exactly did you have to do?) and not only got the doors open, but also put the spare tire on in place of the flat, and got the parking brake released so that the transporter can pick it up without any hassle.

As I get more into this, I'll be posting plenty of photos and trying my best to document our progress - yes, our, as my wife is a willing participant in all of this. Surprised Laughing

So another adventure is about to begin! Strap in if you want to tag along; the transporter should be showing up by the end of the week, and the Beetle's next chapter will begin!
1967 Beetle (Family car - 2nd owner) ...What have I gotten myself into?! Wink
1967 Plymouth Barracuda (Family car - 2nd owner) ...See a pattern yet? Very Happy

rcooled wrote:

On the other hand, if what the OP really wants is a project that'll take up all of his free time for a couple of years, relieve his bank account of many thousands of dollars and frustrate the living hell out of him, then this car is a good place to start.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2017 7:00 pm    Post subject: Re: Another '67 Adventure Reply with quote

All right! I got in the first vote! Just go in and get after it! Your Uncle will be very happy, I'm certain!
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iowegian Premium Member
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2017 7:15 pm    Post subject: Re: Another '67 Adventure Reply with quote

Everybody loves a '67--------they only made them for a year you know.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2017 7:32 pm    Post subject: Re: Another '67 Adventure Reply with quote

iowegian wrote:
Everybody loves a '67--------they only made them for a year you know.

So I keep hearing... Wink
1967 Beetle (Family car - 2nd owner) ...What have I gotten myself into?! Wink
1967 Plymouth Barracuda (Family car - 2nd owner) ...See a pattern yet? Very Happy

rcooled wrote:

On the other hand, if what the OP really wants is a project that'll take up all of his free time for a couple of years, relieve his bank account of many thousands of dollars and frustrate the living hell out of him, then this car is a good place to start.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2017 7:39 pm    Post subject: Re: Another '67 Adventure Reply with quote

67's suck. Shocked Very Happy I have two right now. And these are #'s 4 and 5 in my life time of beetles.

Reroute that shipper to Oregon and I'll dispos er a recycle it properly for ya 67CarGuy Razz

Good Luck with your new family member!
I have learned over the years.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 4:01 am    Post subject: Re: Another '67 Adventure Reply with quote

One you get it...just start working! You'll be super happy when your driving a finished bug!
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KentPS wrote:
...or the PO envied the terrorists' bus in "Back to the Future". Laughing

mukluk wrote:
He's fine, just waiting for the dragon in winklepickers to move out of his lane.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 6:33 am    Post subject: Re: Another '67 Adventure Reply with quote

Well, it's a family car and the wife is ok with it. That's a no brainer!
Check out my truck brought back from the dead... http://www.thesamba.com/vw/forum/viewtopic.php?t=420762&highlight=sprayed+blood

They're never really ever finished 58 rag build...
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Samba Member

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 4:34 pm    Post subject: Re: Another '67 Adventure Reply with quote

Thanks for the feedback so far, everyone! Transport is scheduled, should be here in another week or so. Keeping my fingers crossed that 4 Corners treats me as well as they have everyone else here so far... Pray

Definitely looking forward to driving it, but in all reality I think I'm more looking forward to working on it with my wife. It's from her side of the family, and (so far) she agrees with me that it will be a fun and "low-cost" way for her to learn more about cars.

As soon as I read the sticky on photos, I'll post up what I have. Believe it or not, it's growing at the moment...
1967 Beetle (Family car - 2nd owner) ...What have I gotten myself into?! Wink
1967 Plymouth Barracuda (Family car - 2nd owner) ...See a pattern yet? Very Happy

rcooled wrote:

On the other hand, if what the OP really wants is a project that'll take up all of his free time for a couple of years, relieve his bank account of many thousands of dollars and frustrate the living hell out of him, then this car is a good place to start.
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Samba Member

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 4:50 pm    Post subject: Re: Another '67 Adventure Reply with quote

So I think I figured out the photos thing...

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Just a little bit of moss and/or lichen, plus rust. Nothing a good washing won't fix up! (Well, maybe the rust part...)

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One formerly flat tire (thanks SDBob!!) and one dented rear fender. Thankfully, my uncle has some spare fenders to replace this one. After switching them out, I may try my hand at hammering out that dent...

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Is nature-cooled a thing? Something tells me this has sat more than 5 years...

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And finally (for now), it looks like a full interior is in our future. The fun is just beginning!
1967 Beetle (Family car - 2nd owner) ...What have I gotten myself into?! Wink
1967 Plymouth Barracuda (Family car - 2nd owner) ...See a pattern yet? Very Happy

rcooled wrote:

On the other hand, if what the OP really wants is a project that'll take up all of his free time for a couple of years, relieve his bank account of many thousands of dollars and frustrate the living hell out of him, then this car is a good place to start.
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iowegian Premium Member
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 7:34 pm    Post subject: Re: Another '67 Adventure Reply with quote

Oh my goodness............
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 8:02 pm    Post subject: Re: Another '67 Adventure Reply with quote

I kind of dig the lichens. Very Happy
Get the car running in tip top shape but leave it natural looking.
Definitely an adventure. Good Luck!
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2017 2:10 am    Post subject: Re: Another '67 Adventure Reply with quote

I say clear coat it as is. The patina folks should love it. Rolling Eyes

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2017 4:16 am    Post subject: Re: Another '67 Adventure Reply with quote

iowegian wrote:
Oh my goodness............

My first reaction.... That looks like a lot, but Good luck!
'67 Beetle L41
'74 Westfalia
'69 Plymouth "Adam-12"
'63 Ragtop
'73 914
'72 Dodge Wrecker
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KentPS wrote:
...or the PO envied the terrorists' bus in "Back to the Future". Laughing

mukluk wrote:
He's fine, just waiting for the dragon in winklepickers to move out of his lane.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2017 11:31 am    Post subject: Re: Another '67 Adventure Reply with quote

67CarGuy wrote:
So I think I figured out the photos thing...

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Just a little bit of moss and/or lichen, plus rust. Nothing a good washing won't fix up! (Well, maybe the rust part...)

Image may have been reduced in size. Click image to view fullscreen.

One formerly flat tire (thanks SDBob!!) and one dented rear fender. Thankfully, my uncle has some spare fenders to replace this one. After switching them out, I may try my hand at hammering out that dent...

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Is nature-cooled a thing? Something tells me this has sat more than 5 years...

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And finally (for now), it looks like a full interior is in our future. The fun is just beginning!

Incredible patina!

'73 Saturn Yellow Sports Bug that has undergone a full pan off restoration. "Herbert IV."

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 9:35 am    Post subject: Re: Another '67 Adventure Reply with quote

67CarGuy wrote:

After talking with the various Samba-ers and my aunt, who is anxious to see the Bug leave her driveway Anxious SDBob spent much of his Labor Day tinkering, hammering, and doing who-knows-what (SDBob, what exactly did you have to do?) and not only got the doors open, but also put the spare tire on in place of the flat, and got the parking brake released so that the transporter can pick it up without any hassle.

It was either that or change out the drag link on my bus, and I wasn't in the mood for working on my bus that weekend and was happy to help you get your Beetle off to its new home.

The funny part was, this car sits in the driveway in a neighborhood of multi-million dollar homes. There was literally a house up the street listed last year for $16M. I'm out there pounding on the brake drums and neighbors are walking past, giddy at the prospect of this piece of art leaving the zip code.

The doors were locked and no key was available. If the hinges were frozen, then your Aunt did a great job with that can of PB Blaster because as soon as I got a coat hanger bent and in place, the doors opened as smoothly as a new car Very Happy

The brakes are rusted pretty badly. I jacked up the rear, smacked the drums with a 5lb sledge, then backed off the brake adjusters until the drums spun freely. Rust dust was pouring from the adjuster holes like smoke from a chimney. You're gonna have to strip them down to the backing plates, sandblast and rebuild each side.

I was able to turn the crank pulley by hand, but everything in the engine compartment looked like it was pulled from the Titanic - lots of oxidized and corroded aluminum. Be sure to get some clean oil in that case before you try to fire it up.

My last piece of advice - either buy a welder and learn metal repair, or just get the old girl safe to drive and enjoy her Blue Bug

Please keep the thread updated - I'm gonna miss running past the old gal at next AFC Half Marathon!
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2017 10:53 am    Post subject: Re: Another '67 Adventure Reply with quote

The bug has safely arrived! Another good experience with 4 Corners Transport (thanks to everyone else for posting your experiences with transport companies in the Shipping and Transport thread) Applause

Loaded up in San Diego last Saturday, arrived safely in Baltimore 4 days later. One flatbed tow truck ride later, and some good planning on the part of Hugo (the tow truck driver) and she rolled into her new home! Smile
First time inside a garage in more than 5 years, if not much longer!

Inside the cabin were an additional two fenders, a hood, a decklid, and two bumpers... with two or three other fenders still back in San Diego, waiting to be shipped east.

Time to take a visual inventory, give her a bath and a name (I don't think my uncle ever named her), and get to work!
1967 Beetle (Family car - 2nd owner) ...What have I gotten myself into?! Wink
1967 Plymouth Barracuda (Family car - 2nd owner) ...See a pattern yet? Very Happy

rcooled wrote:

On the other hand, if what the OP really wants is a project that'll take up all of his free time for a couple of years, relieve his bank account of many thousands of dollars and frustrate the living hell out of him, then this car is a good place to start.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 10:58 pm    Post subject: Re: Another '67 Adventure Reply with quote

Good luck on your new project! FYI, That mirror in your pic looks like a 68 and later, 67's had hinge mounted mirrors like the older cars. That means it's possible that your driver's door is not the original door.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 8:32 am    Post subject: Re: Another '67 Adventure Reply with quote

Re: the mirror (and some other parts...) So here's the rest of the story:

At some point in it's life, this Bug was stolen. A bunch of the '67-only parts were stripped from it, but the police recovered it and my uncle got it back. He was able to get a bunch of the parts replaced with Made-in-Germany, from the dealer stuff, some of which is now on the car. I've gotten this info through both phone calls and emails, and I have it written down somewhere as to what was exactly stolen, but I'm guessing that's why the mirror is different.

This weekend's plan is to give her a bath and do a basic engine tune up and fluid change (points, oil, carb adjust, valves, plugs, ... what else?). A brake job is swiftly approaching too!
1967 Beetle (Family car - 2nd owner) ...What have I gotten myself into?! Wink
1967 Plymouth Barracuda (Family car - 2nd owner) ...See a pattern yet? Very Happy

rcooled wrote:

On the other hand, if what the OP really wants is a project that'll take up all of his free time for a couple of years, relieve his bank account of many thousands of dollars and frustrate the living hell out of him, then this car is a good place to start.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 10:40 am    Post subject: Re: Another '67 Adventure Reply with quote

Go back and look again. The entire door has been replaced. Go look at the exterior door handles. I bet they don't match.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 6:15 pm    Post subject: Re: Another '67 Adventure Reply with quote

67CarGuy wrote:
Re: the mirror (and some other parts...)
This weekend's plan is to give her a bath and do a basic engine tune up and fluid change (points, oil, carb adjust, valves, plugs, ... what else?).

Are you trying to start it?

Considering what was posted before regarding the corrosion all around the engine, I would recommend removing the spark plugs and spraying the inside of the cylinders with WD-40, PB Blaster or just plain oil and letting that sink in overnight. You wouldn't want to damage the cylinder walls by scratching them with any built up rust from the inside of the cylinders/rings.

I would also remove the carburetor and give it a thorough cleaning/adjustment. Along with draining the fuel and adding two fuel filters to the fuel system. One right after the fuel tank on the rubber hose and the second one right after the metal line that comes through the tunnel by the transmission. You don't want any crud getting into the carburetor after you cleaned it.

Good luck!
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