Ice pick
Pre-1964 exterior door handles that swing out
to open, versus the push button style that attached to the door on the front and
rear end.
The Iltis is just about the last vehicle from the Porsche brood that can be called a
K�belwagen. Also known as the Type 183,
it is water-cooled.
Industrial Engine
VW engine used for industrial purposes, for
example: a water pump for fire duty. It often included a way to
crank the engine via a crank nut and crank
handle. Most included a governor and/or throttle positioner so
the engine could be run at a consistent rpm for an
extended period of time.
German: "rear-view mirror". |
Term referring to the collective of a car's headliner,
seats, upholstery, carpet, armrests, dashboard,
door panels, etc. |
Slang for sheet metal body panels. |
Iron Cross
Popular symbol in VW related parts and
In 1813, the Iron Cross was established as a military honor in Prussia
during the Napoleonic Wars.
It was awarded again in 1870 in the Franco-Prussian War and then in 1914 in
World War I.
Adolf Hitler again restored the award in 1939. The award was for bravery in
battle as well as other military contributions (e.g. planning).
Rear Suspension. Indicating that the left and right rear suspension travel independently of
each other.
Associated with vehicles having constant velocity (CV) joints as opposed
to vehicles with a Swingaxle suspension |